chapter six A Plan
The Jaroner noticed Kyle McPherson but Kyle didn't notice him noticing him. Kyle McPherson snapped and started terrorizing the workers with them scattering for safety. The Jaroner, Nora, and Arty managed to escape Kyle's view and going back to the warehouse records room. Kyle was on a rampage killing worker's, Back in the warehouse records room The Jaroner saw the human lives being lost thus making him angry. Nora and Arty had looked through the computer into the exterior warehouse cameras seeing the destruction and chaos that Kyle McPherson had unknowingly caused. The Jaroner seeing the looks on their faces said," I don't think Kyle realizes the scope of what he's done yet". Nora asked," can we show him the harm he's caused?" The Jaroner replied," I think it's a denial of the things that got his father Orson to be put down". Arty asked," what if we could have him come to terms with what his father has done? And the reprecautions of his actions? Could he be compelled to help?" The Jaroner then replied," OH, Nora and Arty you are both geniuses, come with me I've got a plan forming". They then went off together.
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